I'm waiting for the moving company's call. It's costing me a fortune so I hope it all goes smooth. Meanwhile my sister is cleaning out the brother-in-law's house of all broken and nasty furniture. His bed (actually was my sister's bed) wasn't too bad, but I'd get the heebie jeebies knowing he slept on that bed so it has to go too. My furniture will go into the house at least temporarily. Whether the boys get to remain in their home is up in the air.

The boys will have a great Christmas thanks to my sister. Some relatives seem to think that we've got what little money Alfonso had to cover our expenses. NOT TRUE! Getting custody and rights to be administrator of the estate takes time. Nor have we received any social security benefits yet. It is doubtful that Alfonso had mortgage insurance. The mortgage must be paid monthly. My ex-husband came up with December's payment. My sister who is on FMLA so she isn't getting a paycheck will cover January. Andrew got his new glasses thanks to the school and my sister who covered some of the expenses. Along with food, transportation, piano lessons, clothes, and all general expenses in raising children.
I hope to be in Iowa by the New Years and I've promised the boys another celebration. My youngest nephew is 7 years old and he has asked Santa if he could have enough money to go back to his own home. They've had their world turned upside in the past two years. Right now he is sharing a bed with his big brother at my sister's house, but you can't blame them for wanting to go home. To sleep in their own bed. To have access to all their toys. Being where they are familiar. Friends and neighbors. Is that too much to ask?
Oh my poor babies. What about Andrew's coat-did he get one? I don't blame them for wanting to go home! Is this Assfonso's furniture? nice. He has ruined everything Lynn ever made nice.
ReplyDeleteThis totally puts things into perspective. Everyone out there (myself included) bitchin about mall crowds needs to read this post. We have been saying a special prayer for you and your nephews every night. I know that is small comfort. God bless you all and I pray that the new year brings you some happiness and Peace.
ReplyDeleteAmy, I know that the son of the nephew that was staying at the house broke the end table. He broke a lot of things from what I hear. Andrew called up Deana last summer bawling about Edgar's (the nephew) family staying there and all that was broken. Deana had a talk with Alfonso. Andrew got a new winter coat and is being FORCED to wear it. Why don't teenagers want to dress properly for winter?
ReplyDeleteJennifer, Thanks to you too. I know I did my share of bitching about Mexico like no heat and cold or no water, but I am trying to work my way to the positive side here for the nephews.
bless you, and your photo you look very beautiful. Bless you for your courage.
ReplyDeleteThe boys are so lucky to have you and your sister! I agree with a comment you made on an earlier post about your sister is looking down happy that you guys intervened....
ReplyDeleteWell...I say out with bad and crappy and in with the new.You may not have everything,but Lord knows you all have devotion,family values(eww...I sound like a tea party person)and these kids are blessed to have you! All will work out in the long run! No oopy platitudes from me...just the knowledge that from reading you...that you will make it work!Take a deep breath...pat yourself on the back..and realize what a great person you are!
ReplyDeleteDanybeth Ream
Heh, the "Where do the baby daddy be?" question had you defending him..."He's working". Now, you're a saint. Keep us posted.
ReplyDeletePuerto, Which photo? The one where I used an app on yearbookyourself.com? I love changing myself with the decades.
ReplyDeleteTara and Danybeth, thanks for the support but really I don't think I am doing anything that most others wouldn't do. I've known these boys since birth. I was there when they were born.
And to Anonymous, For all of Alfonso's faults, I will say he was a hard worker. The man rarely missed a day of work. And he did take classes, learned English, and passed the exam to become a U.S. citizen.
So sorry that the year ended badly for your nephews. Poor kids. I am sure that you will handle what needs to be handled, you seem to bloom when the going gets tough. Hope your 2012 is a little better. Hang tough!