I still have a US cellular phone but with a Mexico plan. I know it's kind of a pain for anyone with a Mexico cell phone to call me. Sorry. Here's a few things I've learned about using a US cell phone in Mexico.
When I am in the US or close enough to the US and I am not roaming...
1. I can call any US cell phone as normal.
2. To call a Mexico phone, I need to dial 011-52 plus phone number including the area code (is that what it is called in Mexico, an area code?). Example: 011-52-899-158-xxxx
3. If that Mexico phone is a cell phone, MOST of the time I need add a 1 after 52. Example: 011-52-1-899-158-xxxx. I did say MOST of the time because I do have a friend with a Mexican cell phone that does not require the 1 after 52.
When I am no longer close to the US and start roaming...
1. I need to dial 001 plus area code and phone number to call a US phone. Example: 001-956-566-xxxx
2. If I want to call a Mexico phone, all I need to dial is the area code plus number. Example: 899-158-xxxx.
Even when I am in Mexico City, I still need to dial the entire area code with my US cell phone. For example, if I call my friend I need to dial 552-158-xxxx. But apparently if you are calling from a Mexico City phone, you can drop the 55 and just dial 21-58-xxxx. Does this apply to cell phones or just home phones? I am so confused. And speak of confusing, that brings up another thing... texting.
To text a Mexican cell phone no matter if I am roaming or not, I need to dial 011-52-899-158-xxxx. Do not us the 1 after the 52. And to text a US cell phone, roaming or not, I just use the area code and number.
I think I just about covered it. I think I understand. Now I am off to do some quantum physics or calculus equations, just for the fun of it. OK, not really.
P.S. I had to change some settings in my blog and, grrrrr, I will have to approve your comments before you can leave them. It's not because I am afraid of negative feedback. If you write something negative, I could care less. I'll still publish it. It has to do with a rat bastard thief named Edward Cadena, aka Edward Mendez Cadena, aka Edward Rhodes, aka Eddie Cadena. He was a trusted friend and a fellow teacher until he stole from me. He can sue me for publicly calling him a rat bastard thief. I'd love to see him in court. I don't think he will because when someone is a rat bastard thief, the last place he will ever want to show up is in a court room.